
Day 12 - Just a notch

It might have been my imagination but I could have sworn that today’s class was a shade tougher than the usual work out. Jacq seemed to be leading the class at a quicker pace and the movements seemed more challenging – raise your legs, point your toes, exhale, flex up and raise yourself to a teaser position… Oh! And while you’re at it – maintain your teaser position, stretch your left hand across to your neighbour on the right and poke her in the ribs. It was that complex.

After class, I hung back to chat with Jacq & Jackie – I was concerned because despite losing inches off my thighs and hips, the weighing scale said that I was the same weight!?

Now… I’m never one to trust the scales – who could blame me? I had been on the wrong side of 50kilos since I was a teen! The years of trauma led me to develop a mantra: As long as I looked good, I didn’t care how much I weighed.

The plausible explanations were:
1. I was retaining water. Possible…
2. I was gaining muscle. Equally plausible.

I thiiiink… both were probably happening at the same time. And, of course, I was looking better, which is the whole point ;)

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