
Day 13 - The Morning After...

My wonderful friends threw me a hen’s party last night. Despite a grueling Friday noon-time pilates session, the excitement of what the night might bring kept my energy levels up and I arrived at Howl at the Moon at Peranakan Place with much anticipation.

I was not disappointed – 5 champagnes, 1 white wine, 2 whiskies and a feather boa-ed flamingo later, I was still standing and managed to get home without reviewing the contents of my stomach! An achievement because I’m famous for my two-drink maximum. Ask anyone of my friends.

And, to add another feather to my cap – I actually woke up and arrived in time for my 9.30am class at The Pilates Place! How’s THAT for commitment!

Jacq’s pilates class hit the spot, and it was a great way to get over the late night, the alcohol and the (mild) hangover. By the end of the class, my vision was back to normal (no longer blurry round the edges) and the slight ache in my skull had dissipated.

While I might not relish an early class when I’m hitting clubs the night before, pilates has definitely climbed to the top of my list of hangover cures

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